It is a large South American country located in the southeast of the continent. Known, above all, for its striking contrasts and products of its rich and varied geography. From the Andes Mountains to the west, which borders the country from north to south on the border with Chile, with its highest peak, Aconcagua at 6,960.8 meters high, to the Pampas plain (the traditional grazing land of its famous cattle) and the Atlantic coast, passing through mountains, numerous forests, jungles, deserts and fertile valleys, the biodiversity of ecosystems also facilitates the development of a rich fauna and flora. Many of the natural sites found in the country have been protected as natural areas or reserves, as well as national parks, some being recognized as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Argentines are usually friendly, fun and effusive people. Its economy is the second most developed and important in South America. It is the only Latin American country that has a scientific research and teaching center among the top ten in the world, and the Ibero-American country with the largest number of Nobel prize winners linked to science. Its technological and scientific capacity has allowed it to design, produce and export satellites and build nuclear reactors, among other things. It is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. The passion for football and the fanaticism for its clubs and players can be seen in each of its stadiums full of spectators.

Useful information for traveling to Argentina