It is located in the Atlantic Ocean. It is considered the gateway to the Valdés peninsula, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999. It is one of the most important tourism centers in the entire region and the country, considered the national capital of diving, due to its crystal clear and serene waters, which allows light penetration up to 70 meters deep. It receives between the months of May and December the southern right whale that returns to the area every year to mate and procreate. In addition to cormorants, kelp gulls and sea lions. During the summer season, the beaches are very crowded, where in addition to sunbathing and water, water sports such as kayaking, windsurfing, kitesurfing and motorbike-skiing among others are practiced.If you want to complete your stay in Puerto Madryn and you have free time, perhaps one of these places may interest you:- Municipal Museum of Art: It is a space of vital importance for the entire region. As a central place in the cultural life of the city, it not only offers a space where regional artists can be known, but also opens up to the community with a series of activities for the entire public. Although it is not very large, the variety of techniques applied to the works is striking, whether they are paintings, sculptures, engravings or photographs. - Provincial Museum of Man and the Sea: Located in the center of the city. It is made up of nine exhibition rooms that show flora and fauna from Patagonia and material from the original Tehuelche and Mapuche peoples and from European explorers. Mainly, the theme of the museum is to develop the relationship between man and nature. In addition, it has a library and a viewpoint. The building that houses the museum is called "Chalet Pujol", although it is better known as "Castillo de Madryn". It was built between 1915 and 1917 commissioned by the Spanish merchant Agustín Pujol (1870 - 1927). The relatives donated it to the provincial government on February 16, 1970 and on February 22, 1972, it opened its doors as a museum. In 2005, the building was restored.- Ecocentro: It is a cultural space built facing the sea. Since its inauguration in the year 2000, it has carried out activities that integrate art, education and science aimed at forging a renewed look at the sea. It is the headquarters of the Ecocentro Foundation, a private non-profit institution. Exhibitions, concerts, talks, conferences and meetings with personalities from the world of art and ideas are part of the initiatives that are carried out. Every year around 50,000 people visit it, including local residents, national tourists and many foreign visitors.- Landing Museum: Located near the site where 153 Welsh settlers landed from the sailing ship Mimosa on July 28, 1865, and where the first settlement of Puerto Madryn was, during the days that followed. It tells the story of the landing, the background and the subsequent development of the colony. It was inaugurated on May 25, 2001. tonina overa type, sea lions and even the southern right whale. In the vicinity of the city you can also see guanacos, choiques, an immense variety of birds that inhabit near the coast, Patagonian hares also called maras and martinetas among other species. Cruise ships bound for southern Argentina pass through this dock.

Circuits that include Puerto Madryn

Destinations related to Puerto Madryn