Explore the best that Peru has to offer on this spectacular 9-night trip that combines nature, history and culture. We will leave from Lima towards Arequipa, a jewel of colonial architecture. Marvel at the flight of the condors in the Colca Valley. Learn about the most traditional towns in Puno before arriving in Cusco, the heart of the Inca Empire, to discover the historical legacy it holds, as well as fascinating Andean landscapes of green valleys and snow-capped peaks.

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Peru of the Incas itinerary

Day 1:


Flight from your hometown to Lima Jorge Chávez International Airport Peru.

Arrival at the international airport of Lima and transfer to the hotel. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 2:


Breakfast and departure to explore the old town of Lima, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and full of fascinating historical buildings. The tour begins with the Larco Museum, located in the traditional Pueblo Libre district and housed in a beautifully restored viceregal mansion, which in turn is built on a 7th century pre-Columbian pyramid. It has a very complete pre-Hispanic collection of gold and silver objects, as well as pieces of erotic art. Then we continue to Casa Aliaga, a colonial mansion granted in 1535 by the conquistador Francisco Pizarro to one of his captains, Jerónimo de Aliaga. It is the only house from the period that still belongs to the same family. We continue with a scenic tour of the colonial center. Visit of the Plaza de Armas, where you can appreciate the grandiose architecture of the Spanish Empire. There is its magnificent Cathedral, built in the 16th century. Rest of the day free. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 3:


Early breakfast and transfer to the airport to depart on a local flight to Arequipa (*). Arrival in what is known as the “White City” and transfer to the hotel. Once registration is done, departure to explore the city. The tour begins in the main square, called Plaza de Armas, where you can admire its elegant neo-Renaissance style basilica cathedral and the sensational Convento de Santa Catalina, which for centuries was a “forbidden city” in the heart of Arequipa, closed to the public. prying eyes and the influence of the outside world. Founded in the 16th century, the convent was an almost self-sufficient town, made up of houses for the nuns and their servants, cloisters, squares and narrow streets, kitchens and refectory, among others. The nuns' families paid large sums of money to have their daughters admitted, which increased the wealth and prestige of the place. Today, walking through its colorful alleys is like going back in time and allows you to understand colonial Peru. The tour continues until reaching the Church of the Company, perhaps the greatest work of Peruvian baroque, with a fascinating façade. Its sacristy is especially beautiful, thanks to its dome and walls covered in murals showing tropical flora and fauna. The Jesuit seminary is well known for its beautiful main cloister. Finally, we will arrive at the neighborhoods of Yanahuara and Carmen Alto, where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Misti volcano, which rises above the city. I'll go back to the hotel, then I have the rest of the day free. Accommodation.

(Dress code for Churches: during the visit, the use of short-sleeved shirts or t-shirts or suspenders and pants over the knees are not allowed, otherwise not will be able to enter).

(*) The client may choose to have this flight included in the package or buy it and book it on their own.

What will you see today?

Day 4:


Breakfast and departure by road to the Colca Valley, passing first through the Yura district, which is characterized by a series of impressive geographical features, such as ravines, mountain ranges and canyons. We continue through the Pampas Cañahuas Reserve, an extensive plain populated by vicuñas, one of the 4 native Andean camelids found in Peru. We will cross the pampas of Viscachani and Toccra, bordering the crater of the Chucura volcano to reach the Los Andes viewpoint in Patapampa, which is located 4,910 meters above sea level. From here you can see the different volcanoes that surround Arequipa. Lunch will take place in the picturesque town of Chivay and then transfer to your hotel in the Colca Valley to enjoy the rest of the afternoon at leisure. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 5:


Breakfast. Get ready for an unforgettable day, with an impressive trip to the Cruz del Cóndor viewpoint. Take a deep breath and appreciate the immensity of the Colca Valley, one of the deepest canyons in the world, with a height (in its highest areas) greater than 4,160 meters, double that of the Grand Canyon of Colorado. The emotion that is felt with this experience will increase when observing the natural spectacle of the immense condors over the canyon. Let yourself be surprised as you watch these elegant birds of prey fly over you, patrolling you with military discipline. We will descend to the bottom of the valley to discover some of the rural towns located on the banks of the Colca River, such as Pinchollo, Maca, Achoma and Yanque. You can also make a stop at the Antahuilque and Choquetico viewpoints to admire the majestic views of the valley. The trip continues towards Puno. The landscapes will enchant you, with their combination of high plains, unusual rock formations and lagoons populated by cranes flapping their wings over the water. Lunch en route. After six hours of travel, we arrive at our next destination, Puno. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 6:


Breakfast and transfer to the port of Puno, where a boat waits to take you to the beautiful islands of Uros. The Uros are an ancient society that populates a series of artificial islands built on a base of woven reed reeds that grow in the lake itself. At the top, the inhabitants build their houses, also made of reeds. After a fantastic hour and a half excursion, the navigation continues towards the island of Taquile, a beautiful piece of heaven that belonged to the Inca Empire. You can still see vestiges of this culture in its structures. Once there, there will be an information session about the island and you can witness a cultural activity. After a delicious lunch, return to Puno. Rest of the day free. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 7:


Breakfast and departure to the heart of the Inca Empire. Transfer to the bus station and departure on the tourist bus that will take you to Cusco. The route runs through amazing landscapes of the mountain plateau, with villages and native animals around. Stop to take a break at the archaeological site of Pucará, which dates back to 200 BC. to 300 AD Brief stop at La Raya, the highest point between Puno and Cusco, located more than 4,313 meters above sea level. Lunch in Sicuani. Then we will visit Racchi, where the Wiracocha temple is located, a surprising rectangular construction 30 meters wide by 20 meters high. Shortly before arriving in Cusco, stop in the town of Andahuaylillas to see its main attraction: the church of San Pedro, nicknamed the “Sistine Chapel of America” for the impressive works of art found inside. Once you arrive at the Imperial City bus station, transfer to the hotel. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 8:


Breakfast and departure for a guided tour of this charming city that was the capital of the Inca Empire. The excursion begins by visiting the Convent of Santo Domingo, built on the Inca temple of Coricancha and one of the most important enclosures dedicated to the cult of the sun. Ancient chronicles say that its walls were covered in gold leaf and filled with golden representations of nature. Then, we visit the Cathedral, the most impressive monument in the Plaza de Armas. Then departure towards the Cusco hills where the Sacsayhuamán fortress is located, whose imposing walls offer an impressive panoramic view of Cusco. We continue towards Qenqo, an archaeological complex for religious use where it is believed that the Incas practiced rituals related to agriculture. The tour ends in Puca Pucará, in Quechua "red fort", an architectural complex supposedly for military use, with multiple environments, squares, baths, aqueducts and towers. It is believed that it was used by the Inca entourage while the leader rested in Tambomachay. After finishing the visit, return to the hotel and rest of the day at leisure. Accommodation.

What will you see today?

Day 9:


Breakfast and transfer to Ollanta station to leave by train to Aguas Calientes, through spectacular Andean landscapes and where we will arrive after an hour and a half. Arrival and continuation by bus to Machu Picchu, the “lost city of the Incas”. It is believed that the archaeological site was built around 1450 by the Inca Pachacutec as his vacation residence. However, a century later, the city was abandoned after the Spanish conquest, saving it from the destruction that came to other Inca settlements. Instead, the jungle hid her and protected her. During the guided tour, you will learn about the origins of this impressive citadel, presenting its most notable monuments. Lunch included. At the end of the tour, return to Aguas Calientes to take the train back to Ollanta station. Arrival and transfer to your hotel in Cusco. Accommodation.

(Lunch time may vary depending on the entrance to the citadel)

(Very important:Due to the limited capacity of the citadel, it is recommended to buy tickets to Machu Picchu well in advance because they are subject to availability at the time of requesting the reservation and payment for them. Once the ticket is purchased, it is non-refundable).

What will you see today?

Day 10:


Breakfast and free time until transfer time to the airport.

What will you see today?

Day 11:


Arrival, end of the trip and of our services.