It was named in honor of Captain George Vancouver, an English explorer. In recent years it has been considered one of the five cities with the best quality of life in the world. It is also one of the safest cities in the world, due to its very low crime rates. The 2010 Winter Olympic Games were held in this city.It is one of the warmest cities in the country due to its geographical location, next to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, where there are several beaches.To complete the visit to the city we recommend the following places of tourist interest:- Stanley Park: It is the urban park largest in Canada and one of the largest in North America. It is named in honor of the governor and freemason Count Frederick Arthur Stanley. It is mainly made up of a coniferous forest with about half a million trees. It has more than 200 kilometers of roads and trails and two lakes. It is very popular among Vancouverites for its proximity to the city center, its Seawall promenade for lovers of jogging, inline skating and cycling, and its tourist attractions such as the Vancouver Aquarium, the totem pole area, the adjacent Cool Harbor marina and the nearby Deadman's Insel.-  Capilano Suspension Bridge Park: Forests can be found there humid temperate climates, gardens, nature trails, the largest collection of First Nations totem poles in Canada, exhibitions that highlight the history of the park, but above all these things, a suspension bridge that crosses the Capilano River stands out. It is 140 meters long and is suspended 70 meters above the river. It is one of the main tourist sites in the city with around 800,000 visitors annually. It was built in 1889 by George Grant Mackay, a Scottish civil engineer, and completely rebuilt in 1956. It has been the setting for several television series including Mac Gyver and Infinity Leap. The park was sold in 1983 to current owner Nancy Stibbard. In June 2011, a new attraction called Cliff Walk was installed there.- Vancouver Aquarium: It opened in 1956 and was Canada's first public aquarium. With more than 50,000 creatures, it is considered a playground for animal lovers, where you can see everything from friendly sea otters to glowing jellyfish, and wildlife from all over the world. It is internationally recognized for its excellence in display and interpretation, and was the first facility to incorporate professional naturalists and interpretive specialists in the galleries to explain animal behaviors.- English Bay :It is the most famous beach in the city, due to its location near the center of the city, its beauty and the famous fireworks competition that is held every year (Celebration of Light), the largest in the world in its style.

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