It is a city in the mountains of southeastern Peru located on the shores of Lake Titicaca. It was settled around the year 1000 and with the expansion of the Inca Empire in 1472 the Quechua population arrived. It is one of the highest cities in Peru and the fifth in the world, ranging between 3,810 and 4,050 meters above sea level. It was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on November 27, 2014. As a process of historical evolution, it went from being a village to a city, this process was slow and demanded transcendental activities and events that turned the city into what it is. Today, a dynamic center for commercial, administrative, public and private services, financial and tourist activities. The population of Puno is mainly dedicated to fishing and crafts.

Circuits that include Puno

Destinations related to Puno